Online social space is crowded with a plethora of social networks out there that can make choosing the most appropriate network a daunting task. However it also implies that businesses have wide spectrum of options even if one thinks of focusing on the most popular choices.
Important tips to remember while choosing suitable social network
It is essential to study every social media channel in order to determine few channels that would deliver the best results for your kind of business. It is also advisable to look at the products and their features to locate the audience and related social media channels.
There is hardly any sense to sign up for too many channels just because these happen to be the new entrants. You need to consider relevance of your business and choose handful channels that are outstanding than going with the crowd.
You need to have a sustainable and attainable social media plan before zeroing on the right channel. Let your business focus not get diluted in making your business socially active. In the absence of a concrete plan, you may be losing precious time to get adjusted with the minute details of social media.
One must remember that social media campaigns are extremely slow in terms of results. There is no point in getting frustrated due to the slow response of social media activities.
Let us take a look into attributes of some of the most sought after social media channels.
Facebook- leading in popularity
Facebook is probably the most popular social platform with a user base of more than a million and still counting. It has the highest potential of generating over 645 million local business page views in a week. The sheer popularity and mix of targeted customers, creation of a Facebook page for your site is inevitable. The only important advice is to regularly update the page with useful and relevant information. This channel is highly resource intensive in terms of human efforts as well as advertising expenses. It is also one of the surest methods of driving right prospects to your site if implemented properly.
Twitter is the place where users talk and get heard. Of course the talk is with help of tweets. Unlike Facebook, topics and users of Twitter are more defined. If your prospects are from the age group of twenties and are net savvy, then Twitter is the right channel for your business. It is frequented by people who love to read about social media, TV, music, and IT. Its hash-tag feature lets you participate in the attest events and trends.
LinkedIn – network for pros
LinkedIn is the biggest platform for professionals and businesses. It has started attracting small businesses and startups to develop communication channels and enhance their visibility in the competitive market. It can help businesses generate sales leads and develop new business contacts. While approaching this channel one needs to appreciate that the users are well informed professionals with sound business acumen.
In conclusion
These are only the most important social media channels for you to focus on. Of course one can think about Pinterest if the content falls into the category of images and photos. However, unless you are sure about the type of your content, target groups, and time factor it is not advisable to blindly choose the channels.