It is annoying when you construct the perfect blog post and a week later you have no comments on it. I think I know why your blog posts don’t receive comments .
Every problem is followed by an explanation and advice about what to do to fix the
1 – Your articles are boring and not worth the effort of commenting on
Point number one really cuts through the baloney that other articles are going to spoon feed you. There are legitimate reasons why your article may not be receiving comments but let’s not overlook the fact that your articles may simply be boring and not worth the effort of commenting on.
Comments are just like online applause for a guest speaker, so if your “Speech” was not very good then do not expect any applause.
2 – You don’t get nearly enough traffic
Going back to the guest speaker example, if you do not have an audience then who is going to applaud? Your web traffic is your audience, so if your articles are not getting enough traffic then there is little chance of your articles getting comments.
Only a small percentage of your viewers actually comment because most people have better things to do or do not have a strong enough opinion on the subject you are writing about.
3 – Your article is a narrative that is not really open for comments
Imagine if you have just read a quick story from the dentists wall, unless you can really relate to the story then there is little more that you can do besides say that it was good. Very few people are going to leave a comment to simply say that your article is a good.
How many times have you left a comment to congratulate a writer on his/her writing skills?
4 – Some people need a prompt to comment
It is not a criticism of your audience.
It is just that most people do not think of something until you point it out to them. A group of people can pass a clear lake on a warm day and nobody will hop in for a swim until one of the group suggests it. The group can see the lake (like your traffic can see your comment box), but until they are given the idea they will do nothing.
For example if you have compiled a list of the best female drummers on the planet, then people may comment if you ask the readers if you have missed any drummers off of the list.
5 – Your comment section does not work or there is a bug in your commenting system
This happens more times that many web masters know. Comment sections often have bugs and technical problems that range from people not being able to access them, to the comments not being sent through to the server. Many times it is the HTML code above the page that causes the problem. Other times it is cross browser compatibility that is the issue. You need to test your comment sections routinely to be sure a bug is not stopping people from commenting.
6 – Your page is not view-able on some browsers or operating systems
Your metrics may be showing that you are getting traffic but it is also possible that your page does not complete loading, so that people never really see your article or your comment section. SEO suggest you to use Google search console to go with mobile usability as well.
Check to see if your bounce rate is really high. It may also be that the comment section does not load up and so people cannot actually see the comment section.
7 – Your comment section is too hard to operate
CAPTCHA scares away a lot of people who simply cannot be bothered to run through the annoying little test. The harder that your CAPTCHA system makes the image, then the higher the chances that the user will fail the CAPTCHA question, get annoyed and not enter their comment.
Sometimes even asking people to sign into your comment section via social media such as Facebook is too much trouble for the commenter. This is often because the loading screen for signing in by social media often takes a few seconds, which is longer than most people are willing to wait. This is one of the reasons WordPress blog receive more comments compared to Blogger Blogs .
8 – Trying to force an action before people may comment
Making people sign up to your newsletter or sign up for an account before being able to comment is going to scare away almost all of your commenters.
9 – Sometimes you just need to get the ball rolling
Humans are strange creatures. Have you ever noticed at a wedding how people won’t start dancing until the drunken grandfather gets up and starts a bit of a knees up? Or how people won’t start donating to a glass tip jar until there are already a few cents in the jar already? Write a comment or two yourself to get things moving.
10 – Your topics are so bland that you leave people little room to comment
Let us imagine that you write a blog post about how to paint a wall in even strokes. After the article there is little room for the reader to ask anything. There is little for the user to disagree with, or agree with. There is also very little for the user to add.
Now imagine if you wrote an article about Blogger vs WordPress–imagine how many comments you would stimulate. You would get comments from people who disagree and agree comments from people adding new information and comments from people telling you that you missed the point of what they did completely. You will get other people telling you that they never really understood the situation until you explained it in your article.